Bathroom talk: Baby Prep Part 4 Hygiene

Hygiene is probably the simplest on my list of areas to consider. When I use the term hygiene for newborns I am considering items related to washing, skin care, hair care if applicable, nail care, and gum care.

Similar to all the categories, you first want to consider what are your values and belief systems around hygiene, as well as what are your unique individual needs. I take showering as a simple example. Some people shower daily and others weekly. Some are particular about what types of soaps and frequency of use. Other individuals have oils and creams and lotions. All individuals have unique skin and hair types which require different care. We want to consider all these areas: frequency/timing of hygiene, what products we want or need or like, and what may be unique about our child in this category. 

You may ask yourself a few of these questions: Are you someone who has opinions about quantity of washups, soaps, hair care? Are there brands and preferences you have? Do these opinions still remain the same for a newborn child? What are the unique needs or wants for your child as it relates to you and the other biological parents’ ethnic, religious, racial background? Are there specific cultural practices you want to incorporate? Does your home have any restrictions which impact such as only having a shower or a very small sink? Do you understand what is needed for hygiene for a newborn and what the benefits and consequences are of certain choices? Do you have opinions about when to bathe the child or what their skin/hair care looks like? What resources are out there to answer some of the questions you may have? What do others do around you and how does that feel to you?

Once you have a good foundation of what you believe you can start the logistics of comparing and contrasting your options. Personally I start broadly then go into specifics. For example: What do you need to bathe a child in general? Some may consider tubs, shower carriers, or sink tubs. You may consider options related to soaps, shampoo bath add ins, lotions, oils. You may consider options for safety such as temperature checkers. You may consider if you want towels or cleaning cloths. Some people also add things such as toys, covers for hard metal parts, and comfort padding for the caretaker. Similarly, teeth (gum) care. Some use gum tooth brushes that are silicone, others extra soft bristles, and others still skip this step for some time. Nail care can make many individuals nervous. Newborn nails tend to be fragile but sharp. Some consider nail clippers, scissors, or various types of files. 

Once I understand the broad item categories, I go to friends, online, videos, midwife team (or obgyn) with questions about products, what they actually used, pros and cons et cetera. I always try to get as many opinions as possible and opposing options. Reading or hearing viewpoints can help you see which parts of each opinion sit well and which do not. Then you can slowly form your own opinions or at least begin to collect small ideas of what you want to try.

Because, it is extremely important to allow yourself to not know too. You may need to just try things out, read more, change your opinion over time. Its okay to take time and use experience as information.

What else do you consider when doing hygiene for a young child? 


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